Selling Sunset Season 7: The Shadiest Moments

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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Vic chapter.

This season of Selling Sunset dropped on November 3 on Netflix Canada. In the seventh outing for the hit reality show, viewers were served up spades of drama. In true sunset fashion, all things were turned up to 11: the wardrobe was ludicrous as ever (two words: basketball purse), the real estate more lavish, and the arguments more explosive.

This season saw the O Group agents jet off to the paradisiacal Cabo San Lucas for a business trip, staying in an incredible beach-front property.  During the opening, “Real Estate Apocalypse”, we learn that the mansion tax in California was causing severe upheaval in the LA market. Cue the world’s tiniest violin for the millionaires paying taxes. As always, the show seems a little out of touch with reality. However, the beautiful houses merely create the aesthetically charming background for the interpersonal drama and conflict, the stuff true reality TV is made of.

ICYMI, here’s a rundown of some of this season’s most dramatic moments.

Chrishell Bites Back

Chrishell Stause first entered the O Group seven seasons ago and has since fought off her fair share of villains. The latest to target Stause has been agent Nicole Young. Chrishell seemed to lose her cool this season, throwing many jabs back. In an explosive argument during the season’s premiere, she and Emma Hernan confronted Nicole Young for calling Hernan a “social climber”. Though Nicole openly admitted to the comment, it made for some painful viewing as she was confronted by multiple agents and left stuttering.

The situation at castmate Chelsea Lazkani’s birthday party very quickly devolved. Stause accused Nicole of “rearranging her whole face,” in reference to plastic surgery. (In LA?! Shocking). Nicole responded by calling Chrishell an “awful person.” Chrishell admitted to having a short fuse this season, due to her suffering from poor health. She did apologize to Young for “hitting below the belt,” an apology that wasn’t returned.

Chelsea and Amanza Come to Blows

During a dramatic dinner, Chelsea berated colleague Amanza Smith for attempting to step in and mediate the rift between her and co-star Bre Tiesi. Chelsea has been open about her distaste for Tiesi’s unconventional relationship with her baby’s father, TV host Nick Cannon, calling the arrangement “disgusting.” Amanza had stoked the flames by defending Chelsea and suggesting that others had spoken about Bre’s situation behind her back. Chelsea was left sipping her drink shame-faced while Amanza stormed out, making for peak petty reality TV. 

The two later bonded during a heart-wrenching scene where Amanza opened up about the sexual abuse and neglect she suffered during her childhood.*

The World’s Strangest Lunch Date

Marie-Lou Nurk, then girlfriend of Jason Oppenheim, was not pleased about her treatment by Jason’s ex Chrishell Stause, claiming that Chrishell wasn’t friendly to her, and didn’t “ask her questions.” During a tense lunch discussion, Chrishell plainly told Nurk, “It’s not my job to be nice to you”. Nurk expressed hurt and even called her boyfriend, claiming that Chrishell had called her jealous. An incredulous Chrishell then looked completely baffled, telling Nurk “You know this is all on camera, I never said that.” 

It was a truly odd moment, and made all the more odd with Jason’s disembodied voice awkwardly chiming in and asking if he could hang up. He later told the Daily Mail that he had been “cringing” when watching it back. No kidding!

Cabo Cabo Cabo

What a trip. Bre Tiesi was not impressed by agent Cassandra Dawn Repstad and visibly refused to open up to the new girl. In a strange set of circumstances, Cassandra greeted Bre warmly, to which Bre reacted icily and with suspicion, claiming they didn’t know one another.The tension sky-rocketed quickly; while Cassandra probed Tiesi for a reason why she was so guarded, Tiesi refused to play ball and shut Cassandra down. Tiesi also took to social media after sleuths searchedInstagram to understand if there was some hidden history between the two. Tiesi stressed to, “There’s nothing against her. I don’t dislike her. I don’t hate her. There’s no history like y’all enjoy that.”

Bre’s Mic Drop

The final sequence saw Tiesi at the end of her rope after coming to blows with Brett and Jason about her commission split (agents at the O Group reportedly receive an 80-20 split, which is below average) and a feud with Cassandra. In a classic reality TV storm-out, she pulled her mic off, looked straight to the camera and said some choice words, followed by, “Are you kidding me? I’m done.” However, at the time of writing, she is still listed on the O Group website as a realtor associate. Time will tell if her departure sticks; during this season’s reunion host Tan France asked her if she will come back for a new season, to which she responded “that’s undecided”.

What about season eight?

During this season’s reunion special, the cast confirmed they would be returning to our screens. “Pray for us,” Chrishell Stause joked, telling Tan France that production for  the next installment will begin soon. 

There is no confirmed release date for season 8, but if Netflix follows its regular filming pattern, we may expect a further two installments of the show, predicted by some outlets to be on our screen around Fall 2024.

Though Tiesi’s future was left on a cliffhanger, some outlets have speculated that other cast members may also not return. Long-time show favorite Mary Fitzgerald-Bonnet may take a step back after suffering a devastating baby loss, a storyline that made it to air. Though baby loss affects many women (it is estimated between 10-20% of known pregnancies end in miscarriage), it is rarely given due discussion in mainstream media.** This storyline was heart-wrenching and was very courageous, though undoubtedly difficult, for her and partner Romaine Bonnet to share with viewers. 

Heather Rae Al Moussa was also notably missing from much of season seven after taking maternity leave and allegedly not being called back to filming. She did appear in the first two episodes, showing a luxury pad to TikTokstar Josh Richards. 

All seasons of Selling Sunset are available to stream on Netflix Canada now.

-Further information- 

*If you or someone you know has been affected by childhood sexual abuse you may find it helpful to reach out to RAINN. They are available 24/7 at 800-656-HOPE (4673), or online at

**Those in Canada affected by miscarriage, stillbirth or fertility issues may reach out to the Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support Centre, available online or by text at +1-888-910-1551


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